Classroom Hygiene Tips to Keep Your Students Healthy
Putting 20 to 30 children into a confined space for hours on end can sometimes spell disaster for classroom hygiene, especially during flu season. Classroom hours serve as the perfect breeding ground for both students and teachers to contract nasty stomach bugs, lice, or the common cold. From avoiding sniffly noses to week long absences, it’s important to educate students on the importance of both classroom hygiene and personal hygiene as well. By helping them form healthy habits now with investments in products like bulk hygiene kits, you’ll not only greatly reduce the likelihood of them getting sick, but you’ll be giving them important tools to ensure their health in the future.
Bulk Hygiene Kits
The first step toward great classroom hygiene is to make it highly personal and exciting. Small bottles of hand sanitizer can be costly for teachers, but at Bags in Bulk we offer affordable bulk hygiene kits, so each student can partake in the fun while also learning the valuable skill of keeping your hands clean. Have them decorate their individual bottles and keep them on their desks or in their cubbies. After coming in from recess, or before & after lunch, have your students clean their hands to ensure no one passes along germs from one to the other.
Classroom Cleaning Tasks
This one may seem strange. Why would you ask students to sweep the corners of the room to clear dust, or wipe down the staplers or sharpers? Once put in a classroom setting anything to break up lessons, like cleaning, become exciting. Delegate different cleaning tasks to students on a weekly basis so that they help keep the classroom clean while learning to maintain a healthy environment. Some of these tasks may include sweeping, decluttering certain areas of the room, or using wipes to sanitize communal objects such a scissors, sharpeners, etc.
Sending Students to the Nurse
It might strike you as counterproductive to send students out of class during a lesson, but if you suspect that a student may be contracting a cold, it’s best to send them to the nurse before the germ can spread. Stopping students from seeing the nurse and getting the medication they need will only increase the spread of germs until you have more than one sick student on your hands.
Hygiene Education
One of the most critical things you can do to maintain classroom hygiene is to teach your students about the important of staying healthy. You can outline things like proper bodily hygiene, good sleeping habits, the benefits of exercise, etc. It may be difficult for young students to visualize germs and their ability to jump from one person to the next but use cartoon visuals or metaphors, so they can understand how to keep themselves healthy inside and outside the classroom.