Essential Supplies for Group and Family Camping Adventures
As autumn rolls in and we return to the outdoor fall activities we love, many of us return to trekking, hiking, and camping. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of falling asleep under the stars beside a warm fire, zipped tightly into your sleeping bag.
For the travelers, wanderers, campers, and explorers among us, lightweight, compact, portable, insulated, and water-resistant sleeping bags aren’t a luxury; they’re a necessity!
Bags in Bulk Sleeping Bags Have the Best Features
It’s the perfect time of year to buy sleeping bags in bulk! Children are going on overnight field trips for school, on camping trips with friends, and of course, to slumber parties. The adults are, well, often doing much the same thing! Families are packing up and exploring places like Forillon or Grasslands National Parks, RVing cross-country and taking in the sights, or just beginning preparation for the inevitable cold weather power outages that come with the changing of the seasons.
When you’re looking for the best high-quality, low-price point sleeping bags Canada and Canadian distributors have to offer, look no further than Bags in Bulk! Here at Bags in Bulk, we specialize in offering sleeping bags and outdoor gear that is affordable, durable, soft, and strong. Our sleeping bags come 24 to a pack and are all-weather, hooded or envelope style, water-resistant, 6 feet long to accommodate kids, teens, and adults, insulated, and each one comes with its own reusable compression sack, so as to be easily packed up and moved for required travel at a moment’s notice.
They Can Be Used as Blankets or Ground Cover
Designed with the needs of amateur and professional campers in mind, these sleeping bags are able to be fully unzipped and expanded, providing perfect use as added padded layer for cold or bumpy ground, an additional quilt-like layer on top, and hooded styles also have their very own built-in “pillow” that can also be used as a protective head and face covering in extreme weather and low temperatures.
Individuals may sleep outside either by choice or necessity, but any person or group that is spending the night outdoors in fall or winter in dropping temperatures could potentially suffer frostbite, hypothermia, cold shock, or worse, without adequate sleeping cover. The need to buy sleeping bags in bulk affordably and sustainably is especially great this time of year.
Sleeping Bags are a Meaningful Gift and Necessity for Many
Giving the gift of bulk sleeping bags to your camping group or local shelter is tantamount to offering a warm blanket, padded bed, and safe space to two dozen people, all at once. So what are you waiting for? The only thing that beats this cold, besides a great sleeping bag, of course, is a warm heart. Who will you help today?